Friday, 26 January 2007

(4) Skatepark Development

Skatepark Development stage 4 (fig. 1)

Skatepark Development stage 4 (fig. 2)

Title: Skatepark Design Development (stage 4)

Location: The Studio, Brighton

Outline: Collate design ideas from stage 3 and begin to develop park layout sketches / drawings.

(3) Design Workshop

Workshop development (fig. 1)

Workshop development (fig. 2)

Workshop development (fig. 3)

Workshop development (fig. 4)

Workshop development (fig. 5)

Workshop development (fig. 6)

Workshop sketch (fig. 1)

Workshop sketch (fig. 2)

Workshop sketch (fig. 3)

Workshop sketch (fig. 4)

Workshop sketch (fig. 5)

Workshop sketch (fig. 6)

Workshop Study (fig. 1)

Workshop Study (fig. 2)

Meeting Date: 18th January 2007

Title: Design Workshop

Location: The Studio, Brighton

Outline: Four or Five appointed key representatives from Uckfield's skateboard / rider community, including Matt Ransom, meet Kevin Eason in Brighton to present and discuss user groups 'design ideas'. Kevin Eason and representatives brainstorm design ideas, study existing skatepark / urban architecture examples in printed and audio/visual forms, work on independent sketches, discuss base foundations for design development.

(2) Independent User Group Meeting

Meeting Date: 13th January 2007

Title: Independent User Group Meeting

Location: Uckfield (Ransom Residence)

Outline: Uckfield Skateboarders / Riders meet independently of Kevin Eason & Jeremy Donaldson to discuss possible 'design ideas' for The Uckfield Skatepark Project. These 'design ideas' will be gathered by Matt Ransom of the Uckfield Group and presented to Kevin Eason at the scheduled Design Workshop (stage 3).

(1) Initial Meeting between Uckfield Skatepark Committee & Robert Dye Associates represented by Jeremy Donaldson & Design Consultant Kevin Eason

Meeting Date: 9th January 2007 (stage 1)

Title: Initial meeting between ‘Uckfield Skatepark Committee’ and Robert Dye Associates represented by Jeremy Donaldson and Design Consultant Kevin Eason.

Location: The meeting was held at Soil Instruments Ltd office in bell lane, courtesy DS.

Outline: Enabling meeting. Study brief & review options for progression of project.
Will need to ascertain the following: Project team structure, user group design concepts, funding constraints, procurement and contract options, site information and time-scales.

Attendees: Alex Povey, Sheree Wall, Jeremy Donaldson ( Robert Dye Associates ), Kevin Eason (RDA), Jed Lewis, Daniel Scott, Steve Ransom (Chair Uckfield Skatepark Committee), Matt ransom, Martyn Firth, Gavin Shortall, Mitch Wheeler, Richard West, Ben Haywood, Ben Koflach Barry Knights (URP).