Tuesday, 6 March 2007

(7) Uckfield Skatepark Plan (initial)

Uckfield (Initial) Skatepark Plan (fig. 1)

Creative Note: Design focus is to present a economical skatepark that provides a unique street area that intelligently blends into a traditional transition area.

The above plan includes: straight to curved bench block, slight curved hubba x 2, daewon curved manual pad with gaps & curved block, small mellow banks & hips to mariano bench, grass gap, paris wave block, tight trans quarter pocket, banked hsu, slight waved downhill handrail/block, corner trans pocket, gym transfer bench, banks, iceberg block & wallie, pole jam, speed bump, banked hip, mellow trans hip & mini ramp with bowled corner.

(plus picnic area & store cupboard)

(6) Uckield Creative Source Plan

Uckfield Creative Source Plan (fig. 1)

Creative Note: The above plan exceeds the Uckfield budget and has been produced primarily as a creative source plan for Kevin Eason & Jeremy Donaldson to work from. The above plan incorporates various creative elements from both 'workshop' & 'drawing development' stages.

(5) Skatepark Development

Development Study (fig. 1a)

Development Study (fig. 2a)

Development Study (fig. 3a)

Title: Skatepark Design Development (stage 5)

Outline: Collate design ideas from stage 3 & 4 and begin to develop park layout drawings for 3D model requirement.